The particular religious book of antiquity I find most authentic and valuable is the Holy Bible. It is the only religious book of its kind which has stood the test of innumerable skeptics for thousands of years, and has been verifiably confirmed accurate in geography, archaeology, and history. The Holy Bible is quite remarkable in many respects, not the least of which is the fact that it is actually a collection of 66 different books, written by 40 different authors, on 3 different continents, in 3 different languages, over a period of 1,500 years. And in the face of all this, is remarkably continuous and fluid in its message of morality and redemption.
For present purposes, I want to examine a certain attribute of faith, which is: responsibility. Faith carries with it responsibility and duty to uncover truth and confront darkness. In Romans 13:12-14, we find the following message: “… So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” (NIV)
The warning against drunkenness and debauchery (extreme indulgence in sensuality) is clear and easily understood as destructive; however, the instruction to behave decently should not remain subtle, elusive, or unacknowledged. If we are directed to behave a certain way, surely this implies the possibility and opportunity of doing so. Are addicts who honestly work a quality program of recovery capable of reinstating a high standard of morality? Yes, certainly. Does this or can this happen overnight? No, certainly not.
An old, commendable church saying deserving meritorious exaltation among addicts working a serious program of recovery is: “come as you are, but don’t stay as you are.” Since it has been rightly said “there is no standing still in recovery,” we might deductively suppose progression is an ideal worth pursuing. It is, however, precarious to ever entrench oneself in a false set of ideals, so as to cause progression in the wrong direction. That being said, let us reflect on the highest and best set of principles and moral values attracting our pursuit.
God gives us all the tools around us to discover himself and his Bible is the most important book. Amazing how it all comes together.