Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter 41

Even though unguided introspection may yield unnecessary or unconsciously premeditated self-criticism, I still notice it as an unavoidable and elemental advantage to self-awareness if done carefully. It is, however, not enough to effect lasting change. If an addict can be induced to abandon his self-criticism and to pursue the trains of thought which are yielded by concentrating his attention on the more significant matter of an observer’s opinion to the causes of his behavior, more progress can be achieved. By following the conclusions of an honest appraisal, the deductions that may be a consequence of its invariable success should successfully disrupt the destructive patterns and hidden psychological associations that accompany any desire for continued substance abuse.

Any inexorable, obstinate, incongruously self-deprecating admittance of character defects unaccompanied by an urgent action plan for immediate change should be considered as worthless rubbish and indistinct fancies. Once an addict is made aware of the disadvantage in overlooking a vigorous action plan of self-reformation and is holding onto any conception of negative experience which appears confused and meaningless to his memory –and still does nothing, this then satisfies the requirements of inadequate and even derisory self-contentment. (inexorable = not to be persuaded or moved / incongruously = inconsistent within itself / deprecating = to express disapproval of / derisory = pathetically small and scornfully sarcastic)

There is no question that part of the treatment process for an addict should include long-term group psychotherapy (and/or AA meetings) to help address the following typical personality muddles: rebellion, disorderly conduct, defiance, apostasy, hostility, and general moral lawlessness. All in all, there is personal work required on the part of the individual (though not exclusively), the group, and God. I believe no time should be wasted projecting, blaming, or accusing other people or circumstances for our problems, as this is a waste of life. And quality of time is our only common commodity. It has been said that time = life; therefore, waste your time and consequently waste your life. The converse is also true –master your time and accordingly master your life.

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